The Jail Screening Specialist is a professional position that assesses the needs of individuals who are arrested and booked into the Milwaukee County Jail and pending a bail setting decision. Using an actuarial risk assessment, the Jail Screening Specialist determines an individual’s risk for pretrial misconduct (defined as risk to miss court or be rearrested while out on bail) and prepares a detailed report used by the criminal justice stakeholders bail decisions. The Jail Screening Specialist may also conduct a more in-depth assessment to identify individuals who may be eligible for treatment and diversion programming in Milwaukee County. The Jail Screening Specialist may also assist with Milwaukee County’s 24/7 Electronic Monitoring (GPS) Supervision program including performing device maintenance and location monitoring after business hours. Lastly, the person in this role may be responsible for requesting the release of individuals from custody into the Pretrial Supervision program. Many of the individuals served experience mental health and/or substance use disorders. As such, this role requires an individual who is both empathetic and compassionate.
Duties of the Jail Screening Specialist include completing; face-to-face interviews, pretrial risk assessments, and actuarial risk assessments for defendants booked into the Milwaukee County Jail; conducting accurate criminal history and records checks; Provide written reports for electronic submission to the court that include recommendations for bail and release conditions; entering and maintaining case information in the electronic database; processing and requesting release for individuals in custody to JusticePoint’s Pretrial Supervision program; assisting with location tracking and device maintenance for our Electronic Monitoring (GPS) program outside of business hours; other duties as assigned.
The Oneida County Diversion Program is a voluntary alternative to criminal prosecution for eligible participants. The offer is extended by the District Attorney’s Office as well as the other jurisdictions in the county. The Diversion Program offers individuals the opportunity to have pending, pre- and post-charge cases resolved after addressing barriers and needs with pertinent, required interventions determined by the Diversion Case Manager. This position is critical in assisting clients as they navigate this process.
Diversion Case Managers are responsible for managing assigned caseloads and providing an appropriate level of supervision to aid participants in reaching successful program outcomes. Case Managers will utilize an evidence-based approach to determine barriers and needs via risk/needs assessments that identify underlying barriers. They will identify interventions, refer individuals to culturally appropriate resources including chemical and mental health services, employment, education, and housing agencies, closely monitor participant progress and maintain accurate documentation in the client database, and prepare and submit detailed reports to the courts outlining participant’s progress with recommendations. This position will serve primarily Oneida County, with the possibility of crossover in Vilas County Diversion.
The office assistant will serve as the initial contact point for all individuals either entering the office or calling on the telephone. This position provides general office support as detailed in the responsibilities listed below. This position is located in our Racine County office.
Court Alternatives Case Managers advocate for the use of less costly and more effective alternative dispositions than payment of fines or jail time for individuals convicted of municipal ordinance violations. The Case Manager helps an economically, racially, and ethnically diverse population navigate the criminal justice system. They work closely with justice system programs to assure continuity of care and avoid duplication of services. Case Managers need to be critical thinkers who are open minded, flexible, and organized. The Case Manager should have some knowledge of the criminal justice system and available community resources.
Court Alternatives Case Managers are responsible for managing referrals for defendants in need of community-based treatment planning. Determining need based on assessment of social, clinical, and criminal life situations. Assessing for indigence and ability to pay legal fines. Developing community-based treatment and supervision plans. Referring and collaborating with community providers. Providing ongoing case management, court report writing, and maintaining accurate files in the electronic database.
The Mental Health Court Case Manager for Ramsey County Mental Health Courts will be responsible for case management of individuals referred to one of Ramsey County’s four treatment courts: Adult Substance Abuse Court, DWI Court, Mental Health Court, and Veterans Court.
Individuals who are referred to Ramsey County’s Mental Health Court Triage process will be placed on conditional release and assigned to JusticePoint for supervision until they are either sentenced into one of the Treatment Courts or determined ineligible for Treatment Court acceptance.
If the individual remains on conditional release pending sentencing in traditional court, they will be reassigned to a Pretrial Supervision Case Manager at JusticePoint and supervised according to the supervision matrix level.
Electronic Monitoring Installers/Specialists are responsible for installing, retrieving, and basic troubleshooting various electronic monitoring devices (GPS, Remote Breath, & Continuous Alcohol Monitoring) within 24 hours of request for service. Installers will receive notification of the service request, secure the necessary devices/equipment, and meet clients at community locations and client homes. This position requires significant driving as you will be traveling to various work sites within your assigned area so you must have a valid license and auto insurance. Mileage reimbursement is available. This opportunity is ideal for college students, parents with kids in school, retirees, and/or someone looking for experience in the criminal justice field.
This position will be required to pass a background check to become and remain employed under this project and will be required to always have a dependable vehicle and valid insurance while employed by JusticePoint in this position. This position requires extensive driving.
The Jail Screening Specialist is a professional position that assesses the needs of individuals who are arrested and booked into the Milwaukee County Jail and pending a bail setting decision. Using an actuarial risk assessment, the Jail Screening Specialist determines an individual’s risk for pretrial misconduct (defined as risk to miss court or be rearrested while out on bail) and prepares a detailed report used by criminal justice stakeholders to make bail decisions. The Jail Screening Specialist may also be required to conduct a more in-depth assessment to identify individuals who may be eligible for treatment and diversion programming in Milwaukee County. This position will also have shared responsibility in requesting the release of individuals from custody into the Pretrial Supervision program. The Jail Screening Specialist may also assist with JusticePoint’s Electronic Monitoring (GPS) program outside of business hours. Many of the individuals served experience mental health and/or substance use disorders. As such, this role requires an individual who is both empathetic and compassionate.
Duties of the Jail Screening Specialist include completing; face-to-face interviews, pretrial risk assessments, and actuarial risk assessments for defendants booked into the Milwaukee County Jail; conducting accurate criminal history and records checks; Provide written reports for electronic submission to the court that include recommendations for bail and release conditions; entering and maintaining case information in the electronic database; processing and requesting release for individuals in custody to JusticePoint’s Pretrial Supervision program; assisting with location tracking and device maintenance for our Electronic Monitoring (GPS) program outside of business hours; other duties as assigned.
The Mental Health Professional/Substance Use Professional (MHP/SAP) will work with the integrated Dane County Drug Treatment Court (DCTC), Diversion Program (DCDP), and Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) programs. The CCS program helps individuals live their best lives by providing support and services to address their unique needs related to mental health and substance use. The Dane County Drug Treatment Court and the Dane County Diversion Program exist to enhance public safety by reducing recidivism. This is accomplished by coordinating effective treatment and supportive services and ensuring accountability throughout participants’ time in the program. The MHP/SAP oversees the CCS Service Facilitators and CCS’s day-to-day operations. This position also provides treatment recommendations to the court and routine updates on participant progress in person and in writing. Additionally, the MHP/SAP clinically supervises the team to provide tailored services so the participants can grow through their recovery. The MHP/SAP leads the team in learning and increasing clinical skills to assist the participants in overcoming barriers and meeting their life goals.
JusticePoint Inc.
205 West Highland Avenue, Suite 509
Milwaukee, WI 53203