Choose a program below for more information on JusticePoint's Washington County programming.
Jen Britton
Email Jenna
Washington County Human Services
333 E Washington St. Suite 3100
West Bend, WI 53095
The Restorative Youth Justice Program is an early intervention program that approaches intervention through addressing the crimes committed and their root cause rather than on the rules that have been broken. Participants are assigned to a worker who provides supervision, programming, and behavior change interventions to court-involved youth referred to the program. In addition to programming aimed at developing prosocial relationships, participants are connected with community service opportunities and an associated Subsidized Wage Fund that allows them to work at an approved community service site and use this work to pay toward restitution.
The Supervised Release Program is part of Wisconsin’s sexually violent person law (Wis. Stat. ch. 980). Since 1994, the state has had the ability to ask a court to order a convicted sex offender into inpatient treatment managed by the Department of Health Services. This request comes as the client is completing their prison term and is on the verge of being released to the community. The client is committed if they have been convicted of certain crimes and have a mental disorder that makes them more likely than not to engage in acts of sexual violence.
Committed individuals become patients at Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Center in Mauston. The number of people housed at Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Center is a small fraction of the population of convicted sex offenders in the state.
People committed to treatment at Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Center have the opportunity to petition their committing court for release every 12 months. If the court determines an individual has reached a point in their treatment in which they are no longer more likely than not to reoffend, the court orders either community living on supervised release or discharge with no supervision from the Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Center.
JusticePoint offers a gamut of services including activities of daily living, financial, cognitive-behavioral , trauma-informed care, as well as referral to community providers for client needs.
Is transportation provided?
Transportation should be provided by the family. If you are unable to secure transportation, it may be provided by JusticePoint.
Is supervision provided while performing community service?
Most community organizations require supervision of juveniles while volunteering. JusticePoint can provide supervision on most occasions.
How do I pay my restitution?
Restitution can be paid through the Juvenile Clerk of Courts, unless you are told otherwise by your social worker. The Juvenile Clerk of Courts is located across the street from the JusticePoint office at 484 Rolfs Avenue, Room 3151, West Bend, WI 53090
What is the Victim Impact Class?
The Victim Impact Class is a 5-week course held once per week for two hours. The course is presented by JusticePoint staff and aims to build empathy skills and taking responsibility for our actions. Topics include property crimes, drug crimes, assault crimes, the ways in which victims are impacted, and skill building.
During the intake meeting, we will go over the referral to make sure all information is correct, discuss the rules of the program, and go over the sites available for community service options.
Have an idea of the activities you are interested in – it is helpful in choosing a community service site.
Please come with a schedule for anything that you have after school that would make you unavailable for community service. Examples: work schedule, after school activities, therapy dates, vacations, etc.
JusticePoint Inc.
205 West Highland Avenue, Suite 509
Milwaukee, WI 53203